Next week begins a ten-day deep dive into the world of law firm operations and strategy for me at George Washington University (GWU). Hildebrandt Institute has a strategic partnership with GWU and offers a certificate or a masters degree in law firm management. I view this as an opportunity to continue learning from the academic side to compare that which I learn from my consulting and client opportunities every day. One of the books I'm reading in preparation for the University is Stephen Mayson's "Law Firm Strategy: Competitive Advantage and Valuation." When I began reading it I thought, "Ugh, another strategy book." But, quickly found that Mayson has a keen vision of what's happening and what's about to happen in the legal industry. I highly recommend it to anyone who is involved with law firm leadership or law firm strategy--we'll see if he was right when we look back from 2012 or so; but I suspect he's onto something. Change is about to hasten the industry's need to tighten up.